Innovative strategies to harness the power of your community
Not for Profit Business Serivces (NFPBS) are well used to planning and executing slick membership retention and recruitment programmes.
This includes the agreement of key selling points via the development of clear and tangible membership value propositions. We are able to work with clients to identify the most appropriate routes for an effective membership campaign. This may include trade press initiatives, target member research, road shows, surveys, tele-sales etc.
Building networks
NFPBS prides itself on building networks of services, resources and professionals.
Outreach & Engagement
We create innovative campaigns to engage new members and harness the power of your community.
Events & Networking
Optimise your networks and events to make your organisation more effective, active and open to new members.
Training & Education
Provide valuable knowledge and information to your members by offering training and education courses.
Social Media Marketing
We can help you engage with and grow your community online through social media marketing, groups, and forums.
Market Research
Create products, services and communications your members want by undertaking professional market research.
Web, Marketing and PR
Continue to communicate with your members whilst you get on with running your organisation.
We employ a number of individuals with an over one-hundered years of accumulative experience running membership organisations.
We care about community and aim to make NFPBS a model of how to provide effective knowledge, thought-leadership and services to a your member networks .
Want to know more?
Get in touch with us to arrange a consultation and we'll see how we can help!
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