New Standards for Fogging Systems
The Association of Insurance Assessors (AiS) is a group of individual risk control and reduction experts working in the insurance market throughout the UK.
Through its collective expertise and influence, it aims to pursue continuous improvement in all aspects of protection of persons and property against insurable risks. The main way this is achieved is through the collection, collation and dissemination of information on products and services, and the developments affecting best practice in the field of risk surveying and consultancy.
Supported entirely by members’ subscriptions, AiS is independent of the Insurance and Security industries. This allows it to focus completely – without fear of outside influence – on the improvement of its members’ skills and their job satisfaction.
Fogging systems are now in wide-spread use as a security precaution. Their purpose is to obscure, and therefore prevent access, to valuable items. As such they are frequently used in the retail sector, among others, to prevent access to high value items such as alcohol, tobacco, jewellery etc. They are also used by the banking sector to protect safes and strong rooms, and have a high deterrent value when used correctly.
However, following a number of system failures it was decided that a code of practice was required to improve performance. These failures included insufficient performance, i.e. the fog was too slow, did not fill the room, or wasn’t dense enough, Failure to activate at all – sometimes due to not being serviced correctly – and sometimes not configured correctly with the alarm system.
A working party, including the principal suppliers, was convened by AiS Chairman, Lee Wallace, and a Code of Practice agreed, with the expectation that both British and European standards will be amended in the fullness of time.
More information about the Association of Insurance Assessors can be found here:
The AiS Guidelines on Security Fogging can be downloaded here: