Collapse of Charity Business
We are sorry to hear of the collapse of Charity Business. If you were one of their 200 clients, you will now be thinking about what to do next. We can help Not for Profit Business Services (NFPBS) are a dedicated association management company offering the not for profit sector full support in administration and other services. The range of services available ensures that the organisation gets the support that it requires and fulfils its legal obligations allowing trustees and directors to concentrate upon the organisations core objectives. Unlike many companeis offering similar services, we have a wealth of knowledge and experience at our disposal and can provide you with unrivalled support. The ethos of our business is client focus and customer care, we work with you to enable your organisation to provide its members and associates with the best possible service. We employ the services of specialists in the not for profit sector and fully qualified accounting staff. The teams experience in the not for profit section has been built up over many years, so there will be no difficulty understanding your requirements or fulfilling your needs. Call us now on 0800 091 3750 or email us at to discuss your requirements and find out how we can help you.