Coolers Go With Flow

The British Water Cooler Association (BWCA) has launched a ‘major’ sustainability programme that will focus on five key actions over the next five years. The flagship 5 for 5 Sustainability Pledge will take effect in January, and covers environmental sustainability, water management, social sustainability, financial sustainability and workplace sustainability, including employee wellbeing. “Ours is one of the most sustainable sectors,” said BWCA chairman John Dundon. “Our new sustainability programme of work will deliver that message to a wider audience. It will also serve to enable members to share best practice so that the whole membership will benefit from the impressive knowledge and sustainability work already being undertaken”. BWCA general manager Phillipa Atkinson-Clow explained: “We are hugely impressed with the array of activities undertaken by our Members already. So we wanted to show the outside world how great current activities already are; to inspire Members to do even more: and to help them by offering models of best practice from all areas of the industry that others can implement in their own workplaces. Over the coming year, BWCA will be releasing case studies showing examples of what its Members are already achieving. Dundon added: “Being a BWCA Member sets companies apart from non-members: they are the smart, well-established and well-run companies who pay heed to good standards. To gain and retain their position as a Member of BWCA, companies must pass a stringent audit – not just once, but annually. This initiative is just another way in which the Association can support its Members in celebrating excellence”.