Obesity, Mental Health, and Wellbeing
Nutrition has been implicated in behaviour, mood and in the pathology and treatment of mental illness. With reports suggesting that 70 million working days are lost to stress alone, the loss to the UK economy could amount to as much as 4.5% GDP. Age-associated conditions, such as dementia, are becoming ever more prevalent. Likewise depression, and other psychopathologies, are elevated risk comorbidities with obesity, and unchecked rises in this condition may associate with a decline in the population’s mental health and wellbeing. With this in mind the Nutrition Association’s conference on the 6-7th December will to review where the evidence is strong, where there are unmet needs for research and draw together the community working in this area. The conference programme, which will consist of plenary sessions aiming to set the scale of the problem in context, plus a series of four interlinked symposia examining the evidence linking nutrition to psychological outcomes, can be viewed online at, http://