Association News
Get Personal or Get ignored! Why it’s Vital to Link Your Email to Your CRM
June 22, 2017 - Association News
Breakfast event for non-profit organisations
Your members and supporters expect communications to be personal, relevant and engaging. The key to personalisation, relevance and engagement is data. And the key to having good data is integration – integration of your CRM and campaign email system.
For too many membership bodies and charities today, campaign email is a one-way street – the campaign emails are sent, but what the recipients do with them is a mystery to most users.
The benefits of modern, integrated engagement are clear:
- Improved relevance to members and supporters, increasing retention and revenue
- Improved understanding of member and supporter needs, leading to targeted services, cross-sell and up-sell
- Streamlined content and communications, saving time and money
- Improved business insight, resulting in timely decision-making and strategic management
The challenge is that many membership bodies and charities are working with systems that are not ‘joined up’ and which create barriers to staying competitive.
As independent consultants, many organisations are asking Hart Square…
- What does integrated engagement look like? What should I be aiming for?
- Do I upgrade my current systems, or replace them?
- What about integrating my CRM and campaign email systems?
- What is the rest of the sector doing?
This workshop will examine the questions above, and allow you to hear from other non-profit organisations who are addressing the challenge.
Hart Square will facilitate the discussion and help derive some answers for you.
Click here to register for free and read more about this event